Until an athlete knows his or her current level of ability, it is impossible to realistically recommend programming, create goals and monitor progress. The Parisi Performance Evaluation is critical to every athlete in our program for four main reasons:
Assesses the current level of an athlete’s ability
Allows proper placement in our variety of programming
Provides individualized coaching and focus
Records and monitors progress toward success
The Parisi Performance Evaluation is mandatory for every athlete who enters the Parisi program. During the evaluation, athletes are taught our signature Active Dynamic Warm-Up, are examined during our Running Analysis procedure, and tested in a battery of physical speed and strength movements. After the evaluation, every athlete and parent meets individually with the Evaluator to review the results and select the appropriate program that fits the athlete’s needs.
Athletes will be tested on the following;
10, 20, & 40 Yard Laser Timed Sprint
Vertical & Broad Jump
Pro- Agility Shuttle
200 yd Shuttle
Max Chin-Up